Write, email or call: 954-979-8783
Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Revocable Living Trusts, Codicils, Quit Claim Deeds, Ladybird Deeds, Health Care Surrogate,
Living Will, Durable Power of Attorney, Probate

A note about "information overload". There's lots of advice out there, both good and bad. How do you know which is which?
Family members may be knowledgeable and have your interests at heart, or they may have their own agendas.
Friends may make false assumptions, not really knowing your unique situation,
but telling you all about what they did. The purpose of free seminars is marketing. Non-lawyers use your legal needs as a
come-on to sell insurance and financial products. (Sometimes they do refer you to lawyers but too often those are lawyers who
also represent them or send them business).
Can you "do it yourself"? Maybe. And maybe not. Legal issues are tricky that way, because unlike
a do-it-yourself home project, you don't find out right away if you've made a mistake. The repercussions
can come years later, including when it's too late to fix things. Plenty of litigation arises out of
the misplaced or unclear word or phrase in a legal document. You can buy a form -- that's trendy these days --
but that presumes that (1) you know what forms you need, (2) you how to fill
in the forms, which might not be as simple as the company marketing the forms would like you to believe,
and (3) you have the
ability to recognize what is omitted from the forms that you should add in.
A document, remember, is only the culmination of
what you should do, so even a perfectly drafted document (or filled-in form) is no good
if that's not what you should have done in
the first place.
If you're
dealing with assets worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, or wanting to prevent future litigation,
why would you risk making a costly mistake to
save what may not amount to pennies on the dollar. The internet is loaded with confusing and often contradictory
material and articles. Often the material is there
to "beef up" someone's website, but even solid information usually is elementary and incomplete,
and might not even be right for you. (Notice the "not legal advice" disclaimers -- you won't find one here.)
So what should you do? What you should do is do it right. Meet
with your lawyer, and don't make an expensive mistake.

Wills and Trusts
(Last Will and Testament; Pourover Will; Complex wills; Codicils; Amendments; Review Out-of-State
Wills and Other Estate Planning Documents)
Revocable Living Trusts
Insurance Trusts, Irrevocable Trusts, Trust Amendments; Trust Restatements
(Special Needs Trusts, Medicaid Planning Trusts, Testamentary Trusts, Charitable)
Powers of Attorney for Property
(Durable Powers of Attorney, Military Powers of Attorney)
Medical Powers of Attorney and Advance Directives
(Health Care Surrogate or Health Care Proxy; DNR Review; Living Will)
Real Estate Deeds and Other Property Purchases, Sales, Transfers
(Quit Claim Deed, Ladybird Deed, Enhanced Life Estate Deed, Trust Deed)
Elder Law; Charitable Planning
Documents for Minors Turning 18 -- and their parents
(FERPA and HIPAA releases, Simple Wills, Durable Powers
of Attorney for School and Military, Health Care)
Family Partnerships
Domestic Partnership Issues
Asset Protection
Guardianship Issues
(Pre-need Declaration of Guardianship)
Pre-Divorce Planning, Post-Divorce Planning
Prenuptial Agreements and Cohabitation Agreements
(Premarital / Antenuptial Agreement)
Avoid Probate
Post-Mortem Planning
Probate and Trust Administration
