Update your will or trust. Avoid probate with a quit claim or ladybird deed.
Experienced lawyer in Coconut Creek near Wynmoor, Township and Palm Aire.
Call if you need a special needs trust or amendment to your estate planning.
Review documents from out-of-state. Update your durable power of attorney.
Family Law, Divorce, Child Custody, Marital and Cohabitation Agreements. Appeals from family
courts throughout the State of Florida. Write, email or call: 954-979-8783

It's not pleasant to think of death, divorce, financial planning, litigation, unexpected loss or other what-ifs when you're in love, about to be married,
looking forward to a new child, relocating, or just making plans together. Too often we embark upon the most significant of life's events without considering
how we will handle other significant events if they also arise. We may avoid doing so even when problems are looming.
But beforehand is when small changes might make a big difference later.
Family legal issues can be intractable, prolonged, and almost unimaginably painful. It's one of the worst times to first seek information and counsel.
A confusing, conflicting array of financial, psychological, and parenting advice, as well as "divorce and custody help" books, articles and websites, offer opinions, products, and services.
(Many have "not legal advice" disclaimers that you won't see here.)
When is it too soon to learn what you need to know later? It's never too soon. Life's tragedies may not all be avoidable, but legal problems frequently are.
Don't wait until your options are limited, and you're frantic for help. This is your life, and it's too important to do wrong.

Miami Dade, Broward County, Palm Beach Divorce Lawyers
Prenuptial Agreements; Cohabitation Agreements
Private Mediation and Arbitration
Pre-Divorce Planning, Post-Divorce Planning
Alimony and Divorce Tax Issues; QDRO
Divorce Estate Planning Issues
Personal Coaching and Attorney Management
Forensic Psychologist and Therapist Issues
Consulting to Lawyers; Case Strategies
Custody and Custody Evaluator Issues
Attorney Ethics and Fees
Joint versus Sole Custody; Time-Share; Parenting Plans
Child Development Research Issues
Parental Alienation Syndrome
Post-Divorce Relocation
Public Policy Issues and Legislative Analysis
Children's Attorney ad Litem
Constitutional and Gender Discrimination Issues
Brief Writing, Research, and Attorney Consults
Settlement Negotiations and Property Transfers
Post-Judgment Financial Planning Issues
Appeals, Research and Brief Writing, Selected Appellate Issues
Parenting and Educational Issues
Collaborative Family Law, Cooperative Law, Creative Strategies
