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Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Revocable Living Trusts, Codicils, Quit Claim Deeds, Ladybird Deeds, Health Care Surrogate,
Living Will, Durable Power of Attorney, Probate

Do you need a lawyer for a new will or trust? Find out how can you avoid probate
with a quit claim deed or revocable living trust. I am an experienced lawyer right
in Coconut Creek near Wynmoor, Township and Palm Aire (Pompano Beach). Do you have
questions about homestead? Can I help you with a special needs trust or medicaid
planning? Are you a new resident who has estate planning documents from out-of-state?
Do you need to update your power of attorney or health care surrogate? Do you have
questions about your rights? Feel to call me. I'm here to help.
Articles At This Website

Kates, E. J. Why Therapeutic Jurisprudence Must Be Eliminated
From Our Family Courts, an article about family lawyer ethics problems,
13 Dom. Violence Report 65 (2008); and
3 Fam. and Intimate Violence Q. 2, 127-132
(Fall 2010)
Kates, E. J. How do you select the right lawyer?
Additional Publications

Kates, E. J. Child Custody Controversies
Kates, E. J. Children's Educational Achievement and Parenting
Kates, E. J.
Collaborative Practice Group or Independent Collaborative Lawyer?
Kates, E. J.
Compelling Child Custody Evaluators' Disclosure of Test Data and Materials: Why their arguments against disclosure are wrong
Kates, E. J.
Considering Collaborative Law: When is it Appropriate?
Kates, E. J. Fatherless Children Series, from The Justice Hour Radio Show
Kates, E. J.
Judges' Families and Ethics under the 2007 ABA Model Code
Kates, E. J. Parenting Coordination Considerations
Kates, E. J. Joint Custody Research
Kates, E. J. Re-Evaluating the Custody Evaluators
Kates, E. J. Right of First Refusal in Parenting Plans
Kates, E. J. Considering the Right of First Refusal in Parenting Plans
Kates, E. J.
What Makes a Good Attorney-Client Relationship
Kates, E. J. Woman Suffrage in the United States

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